TIDA Member Spotlight

The TIDA Member Spotlight will feature one member each month. The spotlighted member will share responses to interesting questions and non-work related photos to build connections among new and seasoned members. Anyone may propose a member to be spotlighted. The committee will alternate each month between industry and legal professionals to increase engagement among our organization. Members can nominate themselves or another member to be featured by sending your recommendation to Megan Early-Soppa, Member Communications Committee Chair.


May 2023

Paul Greene, Canal Insurance Company

I live in Greenville, South Carolina with my wife, two teenagers, and my dog, who runs the house. I’m originally from Mississippi and made it as far north as Washington DC before making my way, via law school in North Carolina, to Greenville, where I’ve lived since 2004.

How long have you been a member of TIDA and why is it important to you to be a member?

I joined TIDA when I joined Canal, in 2016. TIDA and its members have been a fantastic resource for tracking trends in our corner of the universe and for seeking out collaborators to better service those living and working in it.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be? Why?

I’m certain either (or both) of the Avett brothers and I would be fast friends and that they would appreciate my slightly offkey harmonies. I am equally sure Jon Favreau would value and benefit from my perspective on both Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and the perfect grilled cheese). I greatly appreciate creativity, brilliance, and sincerity, and these folks all bring that.

To date, what has been the most memorable case you have been involved? Why?

I’m fond of many, but when I was still practicing, I was involved in a coverage matter regarding a near-priceless collector car. That case brought together many things I enjoy and I learned a great deal, but it was also a tremendous amount of fun to read all the media reports of the incident – and to see how wrong they all were.

What advice would give to your 25-year old self?

Be more patient and less judgmental, and do not miss an opportunity to be kind. Oh, and put 10 grand into Amazon stock.

Where would you travel if you know there was a chance you would have to stay there for up to a year?

Northern Italy or Southern France. And does it have to only be a year?



Past Member Spotlights

