TIDA Member SpotlightThe TIDA Member Spotlight will feature one member each month. The spotlighted member will share responses to interesting questions and non-work related photos to build connections among new and seasoned members. Anyone may propose a member to be spotlighted. The committee will alternate each month between industry and legal professionals to increase engagement among our organization. Members can nominate themselves or another member to be featured by sending your recommendation to Megan Early-Soppa, Member Communications Committee Chair.
March 2023Jean Levash, Schneider National Inc
I was born in a small rural town called Coleman, WI which is approximately 50 minutes north of Green Bay. I grew up on a dairy farm along with two sisters and a brother. I was the third of four children. I enjoyed the farming life growing up and am fortunate enough to still own the property along with my siblings. I have no children of my own but every year for the past 40 years, I gain about 20-25 student athletes. I get to send them home every night and then send some off to graduation in May. Many of them return the following season. I also have a German Shephard named Rudy and a Lhasa Apso named Odie. How long have you been a member of TIDA and why is it important to you to be a member? I became a TIDA member in 2016. For me, it is such a valuable resource. TIDA offers so much education and the support members provide for each other is such a benefit. The ability to network with so many highly educated people is huge. TIDA has the best collective knowledge available at your fingertips. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be? Why?Chris Voss – author of Never Split the Difference. I love to negotiate. Some of my best memories while on vacation were those of times spent bartering with the locals for goods they were selling. I was intrigued with his book. Learning and understanding emotional intelligence and applying it to claims. I think it would be fun to talk strategy with him. To date, what has been the most memorable case you have been involved? Why?It was early on in my career; I was handling an accident involving a young female. She was just starting her career and about to get married when the accident involving one of our trucks occurred. We had literally turned her life upside down in a matter of minutes. I remember her father being very angry with us. Through developing a relationship with the claimant, she agreed to allow me to try and help resolve her claim without the need of litigation. We conducted a pre-suit mediation and resolved the claim without suit being filed. I remember that it felt so good to have been able to help her try and put her life back together. Both sides felt good when it was all said and done. Her father in the end was very appreciative of what we were able to do for her. What advice would give to your 25-year old self?Don’t worry about what others think. You be You! Don’t be in a rush to have it all figured out. What matters today might not matter tomorrow. What movie made you laugh the hardest, and why?The War with Grandpa featuring Robert De Niro. It was a no-nonsense family entertainment. It was a fun watch with lots of comic moments. A comedy with a feel-good twist. |